Join/Renew Your LDA Membership

Dr. Jeffrey Kerst

If you'd like to join the LDA, call (225) 926-1986 or email

(for current LDA members)



Click here to read the benefits of being an LDA/ADA member.

Automatic Bank Draft Payment Program

  • There is a six and 12- month prepaid payment plan.
  • There is no service fee.
  • You will receive a final invoice in mid-November. The final invoice will include any dues changes made by the ADA or your local component. Also, the final invoice will give you the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to the Louisiana Dental Political Action Committee (LADPAC) and the American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC).
  • To sign up, contact Colin Zvosec at (800) 388-6642, (225) 408-3293, or

Membership Dues

Tripartite membership means support from your local component, state society, and national organization. Each level sets dues independently and belonging to all three protects dentists and the public. Use the estimator below to gain an understanding of what membership may cost you.

Pro-rated dues, reductions for new dentists, and other special promotional rates also may be applied to your membership. If you are a current non-member and want to find out if you qualify for a dues reduction, please call our office at (225) 926-1986.

How Dues Rates are Calculated:

ADA Dues - $600

LDA Dues - $417

Local Component - $50-200 (depends on component)

TOTAL - $1,067 - $1,217

Component Dues Breakdown

component map


If you do not know your dues amount, contact LDA's director of membership development, Colin Zvosec, at, (225) 408-3293 or (800) 388-6642. Checks should be made payable to the Louisiana Dental Association (LDA) and mailed to P.O. Box 261173. Baton Rouge, LA 70826-1173

Membership Applications

Tripartite Member Dentist

Dentist practicing in Louisiana and not a tripartite member


Transfer Tripartite Member Dentist

Dentist now practicing in or has moved to Louisiana transferring their tripartite membership from another state

Please call the LDA at (225) 926-1986 or email
Complete Online Form 

Affiliate Member

Tripartite members who do not live and/or practice in Louisiana but want to join the LDA

Call the LDA at (225) 926-1986 or email

Associate Member

Hygienists or staff and/or spouses of member dentists

Call the LDA at (225) 926-1986 or email

Student Member

LSU School of Dentistry students


Additional Information

Membership Fees

Graduate program/Residency membership FREE
(No ADA, LDA or component dues)
Year of graduation and the first full year post-grad FREE
(No ADA, LDA or component dues)
Second full year after dental school 50% off national and state dues
(component dues vary)
Third full year after dental school and beyond Full national and state dues

If there are any specific questions about dues rates at the national, state, and/or component level, call the LDA office at (225) 408-3293.

Tax Information

Pursuant to ADA and LDA Bylaws, dues must be paid as a condition of membership. Dues are due January 1 and are delinquent on April 1.

Dues payments and PAC contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes to the extent that payments are not made to 501(c)(3) organizations.  United States taxpayers please note: Under tax law, only that portion of an association member's dues not attributable to lobbying activities is deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense.  For 2021, 6.8% ($39.00) of full ADA dues and 18.6% ($77.56) of full LDA dues is allocable to lobbying activities, and therefore nondeductible as a business expense. 

Corporate donations will not be used by ADPAC for campaign contributions but will be used exclusively to pay for the administrative and operating expenses for ADPAC or related political activity. (There is no such distinction in state law affecting how LADPAC uses contributions.) So, while any PAC contribution is obviously quite welcome, it is generally preferable for your PAC contribution to be made by personal check or credit card rather than on an account for your incorporated practice.  State law requires LADPAC to report the name and mailing address of each individual who contributes.  Federal law requires ADPAC to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.   
(ADPAC) = American Dental Political Action Committee
(LADPAC) = Louisiana Dental Political Action Committee