About LaMOM

The LDA Foundation (a 501(c)(3) charitable organization), together with partners such as the Louisiana Dental Association (LDA), the LSU School of Dentistry and America's Dentists Care Foundation, hosts Mission of Mercy (MOM) programs.

A location is transformed into a large-scale dental clinic with the purpose of treating adults and children who have limited financial resources or are otherwise unable to visit a dental office. Over multiple days, volunteer dentists, hygienists, assistants, students and community workers from across the state of Louisiana provide services including exams, X-rays, cleanings, fillings, anterior root canals, extractions and front teeth transitional partials. "LaMOM" is an incredible dental outreach event that takes patients on a first-come, first-served basis until we reached our capacity for the day. Our goal is to serve anyone willing to attend and participate.

LaMOM 2023 in Lafayette was a success! We treated 910 patients over two days and performed over $1 million in free dental care. LaMOM is a volunteer-run clinic; we are so grateful for the generous support for this clinic. When another date and location are selected, they will be posted on the Louisiana Mission of Mercy Facebook page, LDA social media, and www.lamissionofmercy.org.

Lafayette 2023 Statistics

In 2018, the LDA partnered with another civic organization to hold a medical, optical, dental clinic.

LaMOM 2018

LaMOM 2016

After a successful MOM in our home state, the LDA Foundation elected to host its own MOM in 2015 in Baton Rouge, the state's capitol and home of the LDA's central office staff.

LaMOM 2015

On Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013, the Louisiana Dental Association (LDA) participated with the American Dental Association (ADA) to host a Mission of Mercy (MOM) in New Orleans in conjunction with the ADA Annual Session.

2015 LaMOM